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March 7, 2023

Science Uncensored: Responding to COVID Tyranny; Preserving Health & Freedom’ will take place Friday, June 9, at 12 p.m., at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg / Hershey. The event is sponsored by the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons. Tickets are available at this event registration site. 

It has been two years since the mRNA vaccines were released and there is now overwhelming data concerning safety and efficacy. All-cause mortality has increased substantially. Many experts are hesitant to discuss or promote this data or suggest correlation without causation. At the same time, the CDC has added the mRNA vaccine to the childhood schedule. Join us as we examine and question “the science”. Again this year, Lions for Liberty will make the speakers available for a senate hearing where they will provide expert testimony in support of medical freedom legislation in Pennsylvania. 

At this event, you’ll be equipped with the information you need to support medical freedom legislation, contend with false narratives, make informed health decisions, and defend your liberties. 

VIP ticket holders are invited to a private meet and greet with all of the speakers. They are some of the world’s leading experts on COVID. Our lineup includes Dr. Peter McCullough, attorney Tom Renz, and entrepreneur and author Steve Kirsch. Each speaker brings unique expertise to the discussion. The event will conclude with a period of roundtable discussion and Q&A. Counter-narratives are welcome and encouraged during the Q&A.

NOTE: There are limited tabling opportunities for this event. Tables are $75. If your organization would like to have a table, email us at Tables will begin to be assigned on a first-come basis, after March 15. Approved tablers can send payment to the address shown below.

Sponsorships: Thank you to the American Association for Physicians and Surgeons for their Gold Sponsorship of this event. Additional sponsorships are available through March 15. If your group would like to be a sponsor, email us at Available through March 15. If your group would like to be a sponsor, email us at

DISCOUNTS: Thanks to early generous sponsorships, discounts are available. We want to send a message with our attendance that, while many want us to forget and move on, we will never forget what happened. It isn’t over until there is accountability.

Lodging. For those coming from a distance, you can stay on site. Make reservations with the code “L4L” for a rate of $149. See event FAQ for other details.

Debut: A new platform to combat censorship and promote competing (often censored) narratives will be debuted. It is a game-changing breakthrough in “narrative management” in Pennsylvania. Attendees will be given early opportunity to contribute evidence and counter-narratives for issues of critical concern for public consumption.

Tickets are available at this event registration site. 

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GRUPA is a coalition of independent grassroots groups, organized for the preservation of liberty and the promotion of community through faith-based, Christian principles to ensure our government is OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people.

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