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This bill goes far beyond just an allowance to hunt on Sundays. It requires WRITTEN permission from property owners—not just on Sundays—and if written permission cannot be produced, it can result in a loss of hunting license. Additionally, it provides a mechanism to have game wardens come onto your personal property without your explicit permission.

The government has no right to demand a property owner provide a permission slip to anyone for activities that occur on personal property. Are you prepared to hand over your property rights for an extra day of hunting? SB67 also creates yet another government list (a de facto gun registry). This bill should not include anything beyond a simple repeal of Sunday hunting prohibitions. Tell your legislator to oppose SB67, unless everything but the repeal is removed.

***A combination of Steele’s HB2106 and HB2107, currently moving through the legislature, also provides for the exact same.

Clarifications on Sunday hunting bills:

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